Here are some links to additional resources that we hope you will find useful.

This as a great website if you want to have a better understanding of the creation/ evolution debate. Maybe you have questions about how to talk to someone who believes in evolution, this is definitely a great place to turn to!

The apologetics ministry of Frank Turek, you are sure to find the answers you're looking for here!

This is a great website to use when wanting to dig into some of those pesky theological questions you might have: "Is eternal security biblical?", "How can I better understand the Trinity?", and others. It also has some information on other religions and how we can answer some of their questions.

Grace to You is the place where you will find good, solid Bible teaching from the pulpit of John MacArthur. He is the well known and very respected pastor of Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California.

This is the ministry page of J. B. Hixson. His tagline is, "Advancing the Clear, Accurate, and Urgent Gospel Message!". He addresses many of the issues we see in our world today and how we as Christians should respond.

Precept Austin is an in-depth Bible study page. Here you will find verse-by-verse commentaries, as well as sermons, general commentaries, and more to take your study of the Bible to the next level. A must see for anyone who is serious about knowing the Book!

A great Bible study tool for those who want a page that is filled with useful information and easy to use.

Truth For Life is the teaching ministry of Alistair Begg, Pastor of Parkside Church in Cleveland, Ohio. He is a wonderful communicator of the truths of God's Word and will certainly be a tremendous help in your walk with the Lord Jesus!