At HillCity Church our greatest desire is to give God the glory He deserves in everything we do. From the moment we walk in the front door until the last person leaves the building, we want everything to bring honor to Him.
Image of Open Bible
9:30 AMBible School Class
Together we study the Word of God with a desire to learn from God's Word and one another. We have a very informal time of give and take as the instructor teaches from the Bible, asks questions, and gets feedback from all who attend.

10:30 AMWorship Service
Our worship service is designed to point to God all the way through. We often begin with a hymn, but most of our singing is contemporary in nature. Our pastor gives us a message from God's Word that is true to Scripture, applicable to our lives, and engaging for the listener. We are informal in our attire, but honoring to God with our hearts and our voices.